bennefits of batteries

In a nutshell, battery storage works by storing the excess solar energy from the PV system for night time usage. With the low rates in current export tariffs, this creates more savings and becomes a very beneficial long-term investment. Another salient feature of storage systems is that it protects your house from power outages and helps reduce dependence on grid supply.

times more energy

Use your own stored energy

Benefits Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into DC electricity. An inverter changes this DC electricity into AC, which powers household appliances during the day. Excess electricity produced by the panels is used to charge the batteries. Once the batteries are fully charged, any extra solar energy is sent to the grid as usual. The stored battery energy is used during night-time hours, reducing reliance on the grid for electricity.

More savings

By using your own stored energy, you do not need to by more expensive electricity from the grid

Protects you from outages

Since the batteries are 'always on' you will never have your power go out

Use your own stored energy

times more energy
times more energy

AC Coupled Storage

Currently, one of the most economically efficient systems on the market involves placing batteries between the solar panels and inverters, allowing them to directly store DC power generated by the panels. It's important to note that these batteries are not designed to store electricity from the grid. This type of battery setup is most suitable for storing surplus solar energy for nighttime usage but does not offer protection against grid failures. In the event of a grid outage for any reason, the system will cease to function.

DC Coupled Storage

Typically, this category of storage solutions can store energy generated by solar panels and also supplement it with grid electricity. They have the capability to offer uninterrupted power supply even when disconnected from the grid. While they tend to be relatively more costly, they provide the flexibility to draw energy from various sources. For instance, homeowners can tap into grid power during periods of lower electricity tariffs as one example.

times more energy